Why Switch to Green?

Why Switch to Green Cleaning Products?

Their are many arguments for moving to Green Cleaning Products & Machinery, so let us share some of the top reasons with you.


Less Odor & Allergies

Less chemical odor not only makes an indoor environment more pleasant, but it may help to prevent unwanted allergic reactions and intolerance symptoms in staff and students. Green Cleaners most often have low fragrances or naturally occurring fragrances which are generally less inflammatory than volatile chemicals and synthetic fragrances.


Chemical Residue

Many experts and staff in facilities such as hospitals, schools, and offices are concerned with the residue that some conventional cleaners can leave behind. Chemical cleaners may in fact kill bacteria, but the residue left behind may be passed onto hands and eventually absorbed into the body.


Environmental Impact

There is much written on the benefits to the environment when we switch to non-toxic and biodegradable cleaners made from renewable resources. We not only reduce the amount of toxins in our water, air, and soil but also the amount of waste containers in landfills.


Economic Benefits

One of the worries that managers and employers have before moving to a green cleaning program is that the products will be too expensive. In many cases, green cleaners are comparable or less expensive than conventional cleaners. See our green cleaning products.


There are also chemical free cleaning machines which simply use ordinary water infused with ozone or steam to effectively clean, sanitize, and deodorize. These systems are clinically proven to be effective and are currently in use in health care facilities, schools, offices, and more.


Further economic benefits may be enjoyed by using green cleaning as part of a greater LEED certification. The US Green Building Council’s rating system (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) addresses the environmental and health impacts associated with design, construction, and building operations.


Making the Switch to Green Cleaners

Making the switch most likely won’t be an overnight decision and consideration should be given before selecting new products. Don’t just use products that SAY they’re green, as we all know the level of green-washing that goes on. Use only green certified products that pass a reputable third party evaluation.


Parish Maintenance Supply only sells Green Cleaning Products that are EcoLogo and Green Seal certified. These organizations are renowned for their rigorous certification process and on-going standards development.


Staff & Customer Involvement

Once the switch to green products is made, your company/organization should use this opportunity to let others know. It’s an admirable move and you will find that your staff, customers, students, cleaning staff, and many others will appreciate your efforts. The opportunities for engaging your community and proving to them that their welfare, and that of the planet, is truly important to you.

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