
ATP Measuring Device- SystemSURE Plus ATP Meter remove
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Price$3,549.63 Per Each
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DescriptionThe ATP Hygiene Monitor Device "SystemSURE" is the next generation of the world's best-selling ATP hygiene monitoring system. This new system uses state-of-the art electronics with improved functionality while still maintaining its small hand-held design and affordability. Whether in a restaurant, school, office building, food processing facility or hospital, ATP testing makes it possible to show just how clean surfaces are by detecting the level of microbial contamination on surfaces in just seconds.
  • A complete approach to measuring soil load / bio load
  • Sturdy & robust design
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ContentAre your cleaning routines always successful in removing contaminants? How do you know when a surface is truly clean?
  • ATP count of 35 or below - effective cleaning
  • ATP count of 36 to 70 - cleaning needs improvement
  • ATP count of 71 or higher - ineffective cleaning
Until recently, these were difficult questions for Facility Managers and Facility Service Providers to answer. Now, Parish-Supply delivers the industry's first turnkey cleaning delivery and measurement program by combining the soil and microbial removal capabilities of its No-Touch Cleaning systems with the rapid detection capabilities of the SystemSURE ATP measurement system. While the methods to clean and sanitize surfaces and equipment in the healthcare environment vary, the need to measure the effectiveness of cleaning practices is universal. Environmental Services managers & Building service contractors need quick and actionable data to measure the performance of  their cleaning staff to ensure cleaning has been completed according to standards. Using complimentary data analysis software, Departments can use ATP test results to troubleshoot problem areas in the healthcare environment to evaluate cleaning methods and procedures, and set goals for improvements. ATP Measuring Device After cleaning, all sources of ATP should be significantly reduced. When ATP comes into contact with the unique liquid stable luciferase/luciferin reagent in the Ultrasnap testing swab, light is emitted in direct proportion to the amount of ATP present. The higher the reading the more contamination present. ATP hygiene monitoring provides accurate and traceable verification of the hygienic status of a surface, which is a key component of a good hygiene program. ATP testing is a universally recognized tool used by organizations of all sizes for measuring the hygiene levels of surfaces in order to ensure consistent sanitation practices as well as public safety. Designed with state-of-the-art-electronics, the SystemSURE PLUS palm sized system is easy to use, extremely sensitive and very affordable. SystemSURE PLUS measures Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP), the universal energy molecule found in all animal, plant, bacterial, yeast, and mold cells.


ATP Meter Specifications 1. Pass/Caution/Fail result symbol - a quick and easy way to interpret test results. 2. RLU (relative light units) result (0-9,999) - big and bold so it's easy to see the result. 3. Pass and fail limits for the location - helps users see how close the result is to the pass and fail limits. 4. Location name and number (up to 5,000) - easily access specific locations and record results to that location. 5. Test counter (up to 2,000) - shows you how many tests have been measured since last sync. 6. Test plan name and number (up to 100) - assign specific locations to test plans to easily access test points. 7. Timestamp - records the time and date with every test. Battery Power for Months SystemSURE Plus runs on two AA batteries providing long battery life so you don't have to worry about charging the unit every day. You can expect up to 8-12 months of uninterrupted use before needing to change the batteries. *Please note; the ATP meter & swabs are NON returnable.
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